WSG is a network that brings together the full spectrum of leading professional services firms and companies. WSG offers unique tools and services that facilitate and create new business opportunities by allowing members immediate access to each other in order to provide their clients superior service.

As the multidisciplinary organization of independent service providers, WSG has been formed to:

  • Create new business prospects and expand regional opportunities for members by offering immediate access to distinguished individuals and companies influencing business within areas of interest;
  • Promote the exchange of information and common interests among professional service disciplines to create awareness and access to services across industries for the benefits of members and their clients;
  • Provide systems that facilitate the communication and interaction among members worldwide and offer individual and firm members alternative methods of project scheduling and data transmission;
  • Continually update systems and information to the changing needs and expectations of members, creating the most up-to-date and useful forum in which to conduct and increase business among industries.

The Caribbean law firm with a Global network